DSNA and THALES unveil a new vision of air traffic management with 4-FLIGHT


The first operational implementation of 4-FLIGHT, the En-Route management system at the East Area Control Centre (ACC), was inaugurated in Reims on December 8, 2022.

4-FLIGHT is a new-generation air-traffic control system designed to ensure a smoother flow of flights, while being more environmentally friendly. It is the result of the close collaboration between the French Air Navigation Service Provider (DSNA) and Thales, the world leader provider in air traffic management

Marseille ACC has just implemented 4-FLIGHT on 6 December 2022. The next key steps are the extension to the other three En-Route centres by 2025.

As part of the modernization of France’s air-traffic management system (ATM), Thales and the Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne (DSNA) inaugurated, in the presence of Clément BEAUNE, the French Minister of Transport, the first operational commissioning of the 4-FLIGHT system at the Reims ACC, the first deployment site for the program. This system, which takes into account the most recent regulatory requirements in terms of cybersecurity and safety, is one of the most advanced stripless Air Traffic Control systems in Europe.

4-FLIGHT comes equipped with an intuitive Human-Machine Interface (HMI), the latest generation of equipment, as well as innovative and sophisticated tools to support flight management and safety, making it one of the most advanced stripless Air Traffic Control systems in Europe for high-density airspace.

The advanced Flight Data Processing system, Coflight, at the heart of 4-FLIGHT, provides air traffic controllers with more accurate forecasts of 4D flight trajectories, enabling them to better optimize air routes and contribute to sustainable aviation. With Coflight, the controller has a better-planned and optimised aircraft trajectory, resulting in shorter flight times and lower fuel consumption and emissions.

With 4-FLIGHT, air traffic controllers can focus on their essential tasks, thus improving flight safety and efficiency.

4-FLIGHT, registered as a SESAR(1) Solution, is interoperable with other European air navigation systems and strengthens the coordination between civil and military controllers for flight safety. At short term, the operational performance of this new ATM system would be of immediate benefit not only to France and the FABEC(2) airspace but also to the entire European network. Indeed, 4-FLIGHT is connected to ten Air Navigation Service Providers neighbouring France: ENAIRE (ESP), DGAC Algeria, ENAV (IT), Skyguide (CH), DFS (DE), the Maastricht UAC (EUROCONTROL), Skeyes (BE), ANA (LUX), NATS (UK), IAA (IRL) and the Network Manager (EUROCONTROL).

4-FLIGHT, which is co-funded by the European Union within the Single European Sky technical modernisation programme, meets innovative European concepts such as the Free Route and new environmental efficiency requirements.

Marseille ACC, the other pilot-centre, has just implemented 4-FLIGHT on 6 December 2022. DSNA has scheduled to extend the use of 4-FLIGHT to the three other ACCs in France by 2025. Air traffic controllers will then be able to operate with a single system over the entire French upper airspace, covering one million km².

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CINEA visits SESAR deployment implementing partner Aeroporti di Roma


A delegation of CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency and European Commission visited #SESAR deployment implementing partner Aeroporti di Roma to witness actual implementation of #ATM #modernisation & #digitalisation projects in daily operations and learn about the #benefitsthese #SESAR deployment projects bring to #environment, #efficiency, #capacity, #passenger #experience and #safety.
This visit coincides withe the first anniversary of APOC (airport operations centre) operations! 🙌 CONGRATS Aeroporti di Roma & reason enough for 🎂 #cake. #SESARdelivers #AsOne team!

2022 CEF 2 Transport Call for Proposals – opportunities for aviation


Today, the European Commission has launched the 2022 CEF 2 Transport Call for Proposals with a total budget of 5 billion euro to support modernization in European transport and open to all modes, including aviation.

There is a great opportunity for SESAR Deployment ATM Modernisation projects to be submitted since the Call objectives include supporting timely and synchronized implementation of Common Project One (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/116 of 1/02/2021) in accordance with the deployment approach defined in the approved SESAR Deployment Programme.

SESAR Deployment Programme 2022 approved by European Commission


The SESAR Deployment Programme (SDP) 2022 was approved by the European Commission on 12th August 2022 and can be downloaded via this link

European Commission Decision C(2022)5748/12.8.2022 approving the SESAR Deployment Programme 2022 can be found at the following link

Modernisation and digitalisation of European Air Traffic Management (ATM) through SESAR implementation is driven by the SESAR Deployment Programme (SDP) under the coordination of the SESAR Deployment Manager.

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New consortium behind SESAR Deployment Manager expresses commitment to modernise the European Sky As One


Only 22 days after the official appointment by the European Commission of the new consortium behind the SESAR Deployment Manager, all members joined live on stage during the World ATM Congress in Madrid to express their support and commitment in ‘Modernising Air Traffic Management As One’.

This is not only the new tagline but also the credo of the new SESAR Deployment Manager, one team standing ready to continue Air Traffic Management modernisation to the benefit of all.

The new aviation consortium represents all perspectives and standpoints of the stakeholders involved in SESAR deployment and is committed to continue ATM modernization and digitalization:

4 Airlines: covering 3 million flights with around 500 million passengers per year (one third of the overall European passengers);

14 Air Navigation Service Providers: controlling around 80% of flights in the European Union, as well as all major traffic flows operated in Europe, so around 8 million flights per year;

Airports: ACI Europe representing over 500 airports across 55 countries, able to provide the full airport operational perspective;

EUROCONTROL: the best placed to provide a network-wide view, both in terms of technological deployment but also in terms of operational interoperability to ensure seamless functioning of the European ATM network.

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2022 Action Status Report – Submission to CINEA


SDM is pleased to inform you that the 2022 Action Status Reports for the following four Actions, covering the reporting period 1st of January 2021 – 31st of December 2021, have been successfully submitted to CINEA on 30th of March 2022*, together with all collected Member States certifications through the TENtec:

  • SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2015 – Cluster 2 (No. 2015-EU-TM-0196-M)
  • SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2016 – Cluster 1 (No. 2016-EU-TM-0117-M)
  • SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2017 (No. 2017-EU-TM-0076-M)
  • Implementation of Voice over IP (VoIP) in Barcelona ACC (No. 2017-EU-TM-0004-W)

*ASR for the Blending Call was submitted on 24th of March 2022.

We would like to thank you for your support during this process and will keep you informed on the next steps.

With our best regards,

Stay safe!

CEF Execution Team

INEA will officially become CINEA


The package for the delegation of programmes to the six executive agencies was approved by the Commission on Friday 12 February and published in the Official Journal on Monday 15 February 2021.

INEA will be officially replaced by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).

CINEA, as well as all other executive agencies, is now officially a reality, with operations set to start as planned on 1 April 2021.

Check out this short animation detailing what CINEA’s tasks and portfolio will be.