
Airport Operators play a central role in the connectivity provided by airspace users to passengers and freight customers within the EU. Airports are also increasingly recognized as engines of economic growth. In this respect, the Airport Operators are considered by the European Commission as a crucial group of operational stakeholders in the deployment of SESAR. Up to now, airport operators have always submitted ATM modernization projects individually or together with other local stakeholders like the local ANSP (Air Navigation Service Provider) or an airline.

As from the 2016 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals, 12 airport operators, 1 airline and 1 ANSP have joined forces in a joint application with a coordinated and synchronized approach. Joint application, officially called: “2016_150_AF2 – Enablers for Airport Surface Movement related to Safety Nets” was submitted under the oversight of the SESAR Deployment Manager and its communication name is Unifying Safety Nets & Surface Movement.

The start date was 7/02/2017 and the end date is 31/12/2020.

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