Common Project 1 enters into force, a milestone for the continuation and coordination of ATM modernisation and digitalisation through SESAR deployment


New SESAR Deployment Programme 2021 will continue to guide aviation industry in modernising European Air Traffic Management

European Commission Implementing Regulation no. 2021/116, Common Project 1 (CP1), amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 409/2013 and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 716/2014 known as the Pilot Common Project (PCP) enters into force today, on the 22nd of February, 20 days after its publication into the EU Official Journal.

Read more on the SESAR Deployment Manager website. 

The European Air Traffic Management modernization journey continues


Let’s keep on delivering together! This was the big takeaway of the SESAR Deployment Manager Annual Meeting on 25 November, which gathered over 300 participants from the European ATM community.

SESAR Deployment Manager supports ATM modernization since 2014, with now over 150 projects completed by the Implementing Partners and with the support of the European Commission and INEA. The SESAR Deployment Manager Function will continue to join forces and keep on making European ATM more effective, cost-efficient, scalable, and environmentally sustainable. The journey together with all involved stakeholders continues!

Check out this video on the continuing journey of European ATM modernization through SESAR deployment for more effective, cost-efficient, scalable, and environmentally sustainable Air Traffic Management.

More info and videos: https://www.sesardeploymentmanager.eu/news/the-european-air-traffic-management-modernization-journey-continues